This problem occurs due to the `inverse-side` object is not defined in the `owning-side`. In order to solve this, we have to manually specify it in the `owning-side` class. Suppose that we have a user class and a role class that are `inverse-side` and `owning-side` respectively. Here is the example of defining the `inverse-side` object.
The most important part is `$role->addUser($this)`. It sends the object of `Users` class to be added in the `Roles` class. This makes the `SonataAdminBundle` to realize that which object should be linked together and persisted to a database.//Acme/Bundle/DemeBundle/Entity\User
public function addRole(\Enstb\Bundle\VisplatBundle\Entity\Role $role)
// Link each role with the user
// (This is important for SonataAdminBundle!!)
return $this;
public function removeRole(\Enstb\Bundle\VisplatBundle\Entity\Role $role)
// Link each role with the user
public function getRoles()
return $this->roles;
And here is an example of `addUser` method in the `Roles` class:
public function addUser(\Enstb\Bundle\VisplatBundle\Entity\Users $user)
return $this;
Note: if you are not sure what isowning-side
, read more about What is the difference between inversedBy and mappedBy?.