Saturday, December 28, 2013

SonataAdminBundle forms One to Many or Many to Many does not persist

This problem occurs due to the `inverse-side` object is not defined in the `owning-side`. In order to solve this, we have to manually specify it in the `owning-side` class. Suppose that we have a user class and a role class that are `inverse-side` and `owning-side` respectively. Here is the example of defining the `inverse-side` object.
public function addRole(\Enstb\Bundle\VisplatBundle\Entity\Role $role)
    // Link each role with the user 
    // (This is important for SonataAdminBundle!!)
    return $this;
public function removeRole(\Enstb\Bundle\VisplatBundle\Entity\Role $role)
    // Link each role with the user
public function getRoles()
    return $this->roles;
The most important part is `$role->addUser($this)`. It sends the object of `Users` class to be added in the `Roles` class. This makes the `SonataAdminBundle` to realize that which object should be linked together and persisted to a database.
And here is an example of `addUser` method in the `Roles` class:
public function addUser(\Enstb\Bundle\VisplatBundle\Entity\Users $user)
    return $this;
Note: if you are not sure what is owning-side and inverse-side, read more about What is the difference between inversedBy and mappedBy?.

SonataAdminBundle - Making fields for two entities (Many to many relation)

If you always got the "Catchable Fatal Error: Object of class Acme\Bundle\DemoBundle\Entity\Roles could not be converted to string.", this tutorial will provide you a way to deal with it.
First of all, the error is returned because the `__toString()` class is not overridden. So, let make it! 
    function __toString()
        return $this->getName();
In order to make a checkbox of the roles available, we should specify true values for  `expanded`, `compound`, and `multiple`
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
                  'expanded' => true,
                  'compound' => true,
                  'multiple' => true))

    ;    }

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Installing php54-xdebug on OSX.

In order to verify code coverage for PHPUnit test, it must need to install the `php54-xdebug`. In this tutorial, the Homebrew is used to install it.
First of all, we use the brew tap which allows you to add more Github repos to the list of formulas 
*$ brew tap homebrew/dupes*
Next, it's time to install the php54-xdebug! This should take for a while to install its dependencies. 
brew install php54-xdebug 
(Optional) If there is an error about the permission - cannot write  /usr/local/include, you can give it a permission by using:
$ sudo chown -R $USER /usr/local/include
Finally, add the following lines into `php.ini`
; Only Zend OR (!) XDebug
; XAMPP and XAMPP Lite 1.7.0 and later come with a bundled xdebug at /php/ext/php_xdebug.dll,without a version number.
; Port number must match debugger port number in NetBeans IDE Tools > Options > PHP
xdebug.var_display_max_depth = 10
xdebug.var_display_max_data = 2048*
Note:  php54-xdebug is used to install PHP5.4. So, you can simply change the version as you need.